Happy Shoe New Year!

Happy Shoe New Year Shoe Lovers!

I'm sorry for the late greeting but I figured I'd make today my actual SHOE New Year. I've been spending the past few months reflecting on the direction of this blog, even reflected at some point that I might no longer continue running it - thus the lack of posts the past few months. I've realized however that shoes are a big part of my identity and well, in my life. It's one of my main interests and passions. This blog also complements my business which is running my own shoe brand, Sala Chaussures. So of course I still want to keep this blog. Right now as I am writing all this, I'm actually shaking my head to myself thinking as to how I could have even considered giving this little space up.

The past year, I've attempted to insert some new kind of content which included "1 Minute OOTD Video" which I put together in You Tube. I, however took these down as I did not really feel so comfortable showcasing a lot of "me" in posts and such. The main goal of this blog is really to feature shoes and more shoes. However, a big part of showcasing shoes is also how to wear them and style them in different outfits. Therefore I needed to figure out a way to find a balance and just stick to the little fashion bits and details. 

I also really want to incorporate ideas on how to wear certain shoes styles. Nothing breaks my heart more than people and customers telling me that they won't wear certain styles of shoes because they're "too pretty for casual days out" or they should only be "reserved for special occasions" or "I have no idea what to wear them with". Therefore I really would also like this blog to be a space where people can come for inspiration for some style and  "fashion" ideas and also inspiration to finally wear those shoes. No waiting for special occasions, no giving excuses why you shouldn't wear a pretty pair  even if you're just going out  for a 5 minute bank errand. Thus I've decided to come up with several ideas on how I will go about it :

What I Want To Post:

1. A little inside look into my shoe line Sala Chaussres.

I actually already explained  all about this in a blog post.

2. Some outfit ideas for certain shoes

I also wrote about it in this post - basically I would show just  some details of outfits. I will most probably just post pics of details of the look, close-ups of accessories and mirror selfies just to give an idea on how the whole outfit looks like.

3. Some little fashion tidbits

I would love to share the occasional vintage or thrift find, local handicrafts and unique pieces that I incorporate into my wardrobe. Also some ideas on how to style certain fashion items and come up with some style challenges (example : wearing hot pink shoes or wearing monochromatic outfits).

4. Shoe Posts

And of course all usual shoe posts will continue : featuring shoes I find interesting, highlighting new shoe designers and also some style setters I see on the world wide web with interesting shoes and outfits.

5. Separate Instagram account for all shoe and fashion related stuff

I actually created a separate Instagram account (separate from my personal one I mean)  last year : @mylifeisashoe in case you would like to follow!

What I will most definitely NOT post : 

1. Super glossy styled up OOTD shots  
2. Personal stuff
3. Any topic not related to shoes and fashion.

I don't really want to jump into the whole "Influencer" bandwagon since I noticed that's the direction most blogs and vloggers have seemed to take. I am not in any way bashing or condemning it - it's just that the Influencer career are for those who want to make themselves their brand which is fine if that's the path they want, but it's just not the route for me. I prefer to go down the more "taste maker" route. I want to write / put this blog out for style inspiration and for people to get excited about fashion and shoes.  In a way it will be a space for shoe coveting while also advocating the development of one's personal style and of course like I said earlier, to get out there and Wear the shoes! And all done from a point of view where you don't necessarily have to spend thousands nor become a shopaholic to achieve this.

I just thought I would put it out there because I wouldn't want to waste anyone's time : if my content is not what you're looking for then at least you would know when to swipe on to the next blog! If however this is something that interests you then, Welcome to this space! I'd love to have everyone over with similar style and interests!

Hope you guys all had a great new year and see you all in the next posts! Remember to get out there and Wear the shoes!

*** Shoes from my shoe line are unfortunately only  available
 for shipping in the Philippines.
