Unusual Shoes...Jimmy Choo

What do you think of these Jimmy Choos? Unusual enough for you or normal? In my opinion I think they are pretty unusual because of those delicate little straw-like straps. Hmmm, I wonder if they cut-out blood circulation when you wear them? I mean they look like nylon threads and they are very thin so i wonder if they dig into your skin tightly?

What do you guys think?

Find these Choos HERE.

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  1. These shoes are so cool, I'd totally wear them!

  2. thanks so much for stopping by my blog! this shoe post is so hot



  3. I would LOVE to own BOTH pairs haha (: esp the black ones, I'm too much a fan of black..and shoes, black shoes? yes please! (:

    Cindy C.

  4. Orange ones are beautiful and on they turn heads :) .... Though, as pretty as they are I did not last in them for more than an hour . The nylon strings go right through you and little circulation is what you're left with:..great pair to have in your closet :))

  5. Orange ones are beautiful and on they turn heads :) .... Though, as pretty as they are I did not last in them for more than an hour . The nylon strings go right through you and little circulation is what you're left with:..great pair to have in your closet :))

  6. Love them.. Especially the orange ones. Boy do I tell you that heads turn when you're walking into a place in those heels. Though, the strings go right through you. Lasted about an hour until I felt little circulation on my feet. Overall I love them .... :))


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