Another Cheap (ish) thrill

Before, I always used to think that the shoe selection in my hometown pretty much sucked. That's why every time I go out on a trip abroad or was at the country's capital, I always grab the opportunity to stock up in as many pretty pairs as possible. Or I would ask my sisters to buy me some since they lived aboad. When I started living out of my hometown for college and a year abroad, I got a little more crazy about shoes because there were so many more pairs to chose from! Now that I'm back again at my hometown, I was a little frustrated because I thought that the shoe selection here was just plain fugly.

But now, I've come to realize that in terms of shoe selection, my hometown is shaping up! There are a loooot more choices and they're mostly very affordable! I think I've bought myself around 6 pairs at least in the past two months!

But I have to be careful though. I don't want to keep buying shoes that are tooooo cheap just because they're pretty. They could have a faulty heel (a trait I noticed in some cheap pairs, by faulty I mean that they are not that straight and not very stable) and I could end up spending more that what i bargained for (could get a sprained ankle)

So, I would advice to just check each pair that you buy carefully. Its good also to have more quality than quantity you know.

So anyway, here's a pretty pair of flats that I found at a local shoe shop:

They look prettier in person. I love the combination of the electric blue with the sparkly objects at the tip.

There are other pairs that I'm eying like a pair of flats and two wedges that I cant decide to get, but for now I'll have to wait till next payday! hahaha. I never thought it would be this exciting to shoe shop in my hometown!


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